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Precious Metals

We Buy and Sell Gold or Silver

Get the most out of your gold and silver when you choose to sell to us! As one of the area’s leading silver and gold dealers, we offer the highest possible prices for your pieces, including scrap gold or silver, silver and gold jewelry, and more. If you have items just lying around in your jewelry box or collecting dust, bring them to us and get the largest payout possible.

Looking to buy silver or gold jewelry for yourself or as a gift? We’ve got you covered! Royalty Coins works with scores of gold and silver dealers across the nation, putting us in the perfect position to help you find the right piece for any occasion. If we don’t have the pieces you want in stock, we can almost surely find them through our network of jewelry and gold dealers.

Call us today at (210) 225-7431 or stop in to browse our silver and gold jewelry selection!


Get the Best Possible Prices Every Time

  • Make the most out of your silver and gold jewelry. We offer the largest possible payouts for scrap, bullion, and jewelry.

  • Trust in our extensive experience as gold and silver dealers. Having dedicated our lives to this industry, we have the knowledge and guidance you need to make the right decisions. 

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